Well, we've left the cabin and we're now existing in the cafeteria, taking our time to think about what we might eat or drink next so as to spin out our stay here!
We've less than an hour to while away here now and there's time to reflect on what a lovely cruise this has been. Yes, the activities on board are a bit thin, but it is - as they profess to try to provide - a modern context for their classy ocean liner style as the White Star Line.
The staff are impeccably dressed and ultra courteous and polite and the lack of constant hard sell, so much a feature on other cruise lines, is very refreshing.
We will be back. When, we're not sure, but it really is classy Britain abroad.
One thing really struck us, especially about the audience during Ann Widdecombe's talks - if the Anglican Church is said to be the Tory party at prayer, then Cunard would seem to be the Tory party at sea!
There are clearly a lot of Brexiters on board as well as a good deal of 'third runway at Heathrow' supporters.
The sun is shining as we leave Barcelona, and we're feeling just a touch envious about our New Zealand dinner table neighbours as they start their second week on board ....
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